God's Holy Spirit, Part 3

What Does It Mean to Be Led by the Holy Spirit

War has been a part of human experience and culture, something which society generally justifies as necessary. James reminds us where wars come from. But joy comes from agape love, not war. The Holy Spirit is one of love through humility. Which spirit do you allow yourself to be led by? When we are led by the Holy Spirit, what should our attitude be?

John Elliott was born to parents, Jack and Anne Elliott in 1951 at Pasadena, California during the early years of Ambassador College where his father worked. After high school John and his future wife Merrie attended Ambassador College in Bricket Wood, England.

Early work experience included electrical construction, electronics, and national sales for a trailer manufacturer before focusing on a career in television production. Following graduation he was instead hired full time into the ministry in British Columbia, Canada. Over four decades they have also served pastorates in Arkansas, South Dakota, California, Ohio and Arizona.

John and Merrie have three daughters that are married to men who serve in the Church, along with eight grandchildren. He currently pastors congregations in British Columbia, Washington state and assists the senior pastor of the Church’s operations in East Africa.

Serving on the Council of Elders is an important responsibility that necessitates one’s full reliance on God for inspiration and direction. 

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