2020 Feast of Tabernacles

New Braunfels, Texas
Despite a number of Feast sites canceled this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were able to once again observe God’s eight day Feast in New Braunfels.

There were restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus, but none of the restrictions prevented one’s enjoyment of this milestone in God’s plan of salvation.

This year, 322 brethren from Texas and all around the country gathered at the New Braunfels Civic Center to keep the Feast. Many were willing to contribute to the work of the Feast. Brethren served in an attitude of humility and cooperation to create a millennial atmosphere that made it a time of refreshing for all (Acts 3:18-21). Daily messages pointed us to the coming Kingdom of God. Messages focused upon the blessing of our eyes being opened to the reality of the Kingdom through Jesus Christ; enduring to the end; the right understanding of God’s law; leadership; the second resurrection and other appropriate subjects in keeping with the Feast. The daily messages were enhanced by a variety of virtual music, individual presentations and family groups.

Preteens enjoyed two classes geared to their grade level focusing on the race we are running as God’s people. Adults and teens also enjoyed Bible studies geared to further enhance our understanding of God’s truth.

Due to restrictions there were fewer group activities, but we were able to hold a few events. The teens and their families enjoyed rides, games and go-karts at ZDT Amusement Park. We also enjoyed Natural Bridge Caverns: the cave walk, canopy challenge and ziplines; panning for gemstones at the mining sluice; and running the outdoor maze. Finally, we were able to safely enjoy the senior citizen’s luncheon full of good food and fellowship.

God blessed the gathering for the Feast in New Braunfels with good weather, a beautiful gathering place, profitable messages and great fellowship. It was another memorable year on the journey to the reality of what God reveals through the Feast of Tabernacles and Eighth Day.