2020 Feast of Tabernacles

British Isles
We had an average service attendance of 69 connections with a peak of 76 on the first morning.

 Back in February we were planning a Feast in Southport for 250 people. Then came COVID-19 and, due to government restrictions, our planned Feast location became unavailable to us. Instead, we held a virtual Feast using a combination of Zoom webinar and links to the webcasts from Panama City Beach. Social events included a getting-to-know-you social using Zoom breakout rooms, ladies’ Bible study, virtual quiz and photo slideshow.

It was an interesting experience for all involved. We had to learn new skills and deal with the challenges of relying on computers and Internet connections, which did not always work as they should.

We hope and pray that we will be able to meet in person next year in Southport.

The British Isles Festival
Planning Team