2020 Feast of Tabernacles

Meru, Kenya
An average of 67 brethren attended from Kamuketha and from different congregations including Nairobi, Bagaria and Elburgon. Services were conducted in English and translated either to Swahili or the local language, Meru.

Meru is located on the northeast slopes of Mount Kenya, with the Meru town situated about 5 miles (8 km) north of the equator, at an altitude of approximately 4,900 feet (1,500m) in an area of mixed forests and clearings, small towns, villages and rural farms. In the early mornings, this Feast site had a view of Mount Kenya, the highest mountain in Kenya and the second highest mountain in Africa. Sunshine, providing a clear view of the surrounding hills and Mount Kenya, prevailed during the Feast.

Messages centered on God’s Kingdom, faith, endurance, overcoming and reconciliation. The videos from the home office and Victor Kubik’s Feast message, “Thy Kingdom Come,” were also highlights of the Feast this year.

Some activities were avoided during this year’s Feast for the safety of the members. However, brethren were able to fellowship and even play a game of darts while observing the government’s regulations. On the sixth day of the Feast, they also enjoyed a Kenyan roast meat meal locally known as “Nyama Choma.” The theme for the goat roasting was “yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter” (Isaiah 53:7). Some members also chose not to travel for the Feast due to the pandemic and met in their local congregations.

These eight days were filled with joy, peace and inspirational messages about the Kingdom of God. It was also a time to spend with our families and brethren—truly memorable indeed!