2022 Camp Report: Woodland

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From July 22-29, campers and staff spent an amazing week of teen camp in Temple, Georgia.

Our teens completed a wonderful week at beautiful Camp Woodland in Temple, Georgia!

Our UYC camp theme, “Becoming Sons and Daughters of God” was emphasized throughout the week in our Christian living sessions, in our Christian Living “Extra” interactive discussions and even before bed in conversations with our dorm parents and their campers.

The campers once again amazed the staff with their depth of thought, courage, bold ideas, positive attitudes, leadership and kindness displayed throughout the week.

Every evening we ended the day gathered together for our “campfire” which was led by a different trio of young adults each day. Mr. Steve Parker worked with the young adults on their presentations before each session to ensure they were successful in reemphasizing the day’s theme and getting across the message they wanted to share with the campers.

Before we said goodnight, we prayed together and sang our camp song, arm in arm, swaying along to guitar accompaniment provided by camper Dane Howard. Our camp song was “God is Calling Children.” The lyrics to that hymn were particularly meaningful in light of our theme: “God is calling children to His royal family. Sharing in His blessings, living in His love.”

A couple of other highlights this year were gathering on buses for an evening event at the local skating rink and our 70s themed dance with lots of fun and comical attire from both staff and campers.

We worked hard, played hard and learned some wonderful things from one another. One camper shared “I feel like I’ve really grown closer to God and understand better what my purpose is.”

God provided for our every need throughout the week and both campers and staff are very grateful for another wonderful camp. Hope to see you at Woodland next year!

Philip Aust serves the Atlanta and Buford, Georgia United Church of God Congregations. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from Ambassador College, a Master's Degree in Communication from California State University, Fullerton, and a Ph.D. in Communication from University of Oklahoma. Philip and his wife, Sarah, have two children.


Jay Ledbetter is a pastor serving the United Church of God congregations in Knoxville and Kingsport (Tennessee), London (Kentucky) and Roanoke (Virginia).


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