Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Jeremiah

The Old Testament mentions nine different people named Jeremiah. The man God used to author this book was a priest and one of Israel's greatest prophets. Because of several biographical narratives in the book of Jeremiah, more is known about Jeremiah than any other prophet.

Table of Contents

9 minutes
Jeremiah's calling and commission
5 minutes
Charges against Israel and Judah
5 minutes
God's wife has committed harlotry, call to repentance
3 minutes
Warning of Judah's coming invasion, Jeremiah mourns
3 minutes
Reasons for coming judgment
3 minutes
Further warning of impending judgment
5 minutes
God wants obedience, not just the form of religion
4 minutes
Judgment on abominable religious practices
5 minutes
Punishment for shameless disobedience, Jeremiah laments
7 minutes
Decorated trees, God's people to captivity, fury on the nations
3 minutes
The covenant broken, Judah cursed
7 minutes
Plot against Jeremiah, his complaint, God's response, further prophecy against Judah, punishment and hope of the gentiles
7 minutes
Signs of the linen waistband and wine jugs, Judah to be carried away captive
5 minutes
Droughts, Sword, famine and pestilence will certainly follow
3 minutes
Jeremiah's dejection, God's exhortation and reassurance
5 minutes
Jeremiah's lifestyle as witness against Judah, Israel's future return, imminent punishment, nations will come to know God
7 minutes
Judah's sin and punishment, trust in man vs. trust in God, Jeremiah prays for salvation and vindication, honor the Sabbath
5 minutes
Illustration of the potter and clay, call to repentance rejected, plans laid against Jeremiah
6 minutes
Sign of the broken flask, Jeremiah beaten and put in stocks, message to Pashhur, Jeremiah's suffering and further dejection
5 minutes
Zedekiah sends men to Jeremiah to inquire of God, God will destroy Jerusalem by the Babylonians, Zedekiah will be taken
1 minute
Judah's coming punishment, death of Josiah, reign of Jehoahaz over Judah, reign of Jehoiakim over Judah, message concerning Shallum (Jehoahaz) and...
1 minute
Reign of Jehoiachin (Jeconiah-Coniah), message to Coniah, woe to shepherds, branch of righteousness, false prophets
1 minute
Nebuchadnezzar besieges Judah, Jeconiah and the nobles carried captive, Zedekiah king of Judah, sign of the fig baskets
6 minutes
Prophecy of 70 years, judgment on the nations
5 minutes
Jeremiah on trial for his life, death of Urijah, Jeremiah spared
7 minutes
Symbolic bonds and yokes, false prophet Hananiah
5 minutes
Jeremiah's letter to the captives in Babylon
12 minutes
Jacob's trouble, Israel and Judah freed from captivity and restored
15 minutes
New Covenant, prophecy against Elam
6 minutes
Jeremiah buys his cousin's field, the people will return and enter into God's everlasting covenant
8 minutes
Restoration of Israel and Judah, the righteous Branch, the continuity of the Davidic and Levitical family lines
1 minute
Zedekiah sends men to Jeremiah to inquire of God, God will destroy Jerusalem by the Babylonians, Zedekiah will be taken
1 minute
Zedekiah sends another delegation, the Babylonians break off Jerusalem siege to confront Egyptian troops, Jews reenslave freed slaves, Babylonian army...
4 minutes
Example of the Rechabites
8 minutes
Instructions to Baruch, reading of Jeremiah's scroll, King Jehoiakim burns the scroll, the scroll rewritten
1 minute
Instructions to Baruch, reading of Jeremiah's scroll, King Jehoiakim burns the scroll, the scroll rewritten
5 minutes
Zedekiah sends another delegation, the Babylonians break off Jerusalem siege to confront Egyptian troops, Jews reenslave freed slaves, Babylonian army...
7 minutes
Jeremiah imprisoned in a dungeon, then moved to the prison court, Zedekiah seeks his counsel
1 minute
Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem, parable of the cooking pot, Ezekiel's wife dies
1 minute
Fall of Jerusalem, Judah's nobility killed and Zedekiah blinded and taken captive to die in Babylon
1 minute
Destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, killing of important officials, final deportations, land to enjoy its Sabbaths
1 minute
Gedaliah made governor of Judah, Jeremiah freed from prison, message to Ebed-Melech
1 minute
Governorship of Gedaliah, killed by insurrection
6 minutes
God tells the remnant not to flee to Egypt, they flee anyway, taking Jeremiah, Baruch and king's daughters
8 minutes
Jews in Egypt to be punished
1 minute
Instructions to Baruch, reading of Jeremiah's scroll, King Jehoiakim burns the scroll, the scroll rewritten
4 minutes
Defeat of Necho's army at Carchemish and further retreat
7 minutes
Prophecies against Egypt and Philistia, Babylon quashes Jehoiakim's rebellion, Jehoiakim's death
12 minutes
Prophecy against Moab
13 minutes
Prophecies against Ammon, Edom, Syria and Arabia
1 minute
New Covenant, prophecy against Elam
1 minute
Prophecy against Babylon
10 minutes
Prophecy against Babylon continued
11 minutes
Prophecy against Babylon
1 minute
Nebuchadnezzar besieges Judah, Jeconiah and the nobles carried captive, Zedekiah king of Judah, sign of the fig baskets
1 minute
Zedekiah rebels against Babylon, two harlot sisters, Oholah (Samaria) and Oholibah (Jerusalem), judged
1 minute
Zedekiah rebels against Babylon, two harlot sisters, Oholah (Samaria) and Oholibah (Jerusalem), judged
1 minute
Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem, parable of the cooking pot, Ezekiel's wife dies
1 minute
Fall of Jerusalem, Judah's nobility killed and Zedekiah blinded and taken captive to die in Babylon
1 minute
Destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, killing of important officials, final deportations, land to enjoy its Sabbaths
1 minute
Jeconiah released from prison during the reign of Babylonian ruler Evil-Merodach