Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Esther

The second Jerusalem temple was completed in response to the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah early in the reign of the Persian king Darius the Great (also known as Darius II or Darius Hystaspes). Darius expanded the reach of the Persian Empire. By 516 B.C., around the time of the temple's completion, "he had pressed east as far as India and then returned to deal with the Libyans. His northward penetrations were not so successful, however, for he met stiff resistance from the Scythians and was forced to retreat. Still unsatisfied he set his sights on Europe. His first attempt to bring the independent Aegean [Greek] states under his control failed when the Ionian states [between Greece and southern Italy] which were already under Persian suzerainty broke free to assist their harassed kinfolk. He eventually prevailed, however, and incorporated all of western Asia into his realm. Flushed with success Darius made an ill-advised sweep across the Aegean Sea in the year 490 with the intent of conquering Athens and the other city-states of the Greek peninsula.... The Athenians met Darius head-on. In the decisive battle of Marathon the Persians underwent a humiliating defeat and were forced to retreat to the Asian mainland. Convinced that victory had eluded him only because of insufficient manpower, Darius resolved to return once more to Greece to finish what he had begun. A revolt in Egypt preempted this action, however.

Table of Contents

11 minutes
Opposition to Jews of Judea in the reign of Ahasuerus (Xerxes), Queen Vashti deposed
4 minutes
The Jews destroy their enemies, institution of Purim, the greatness of Mordecai
8 minutes
Esther made queen, Mordecai reports a plot against the king
8 minutes
Haman's plot against the Jews
5 minutes
Esther learns of Haman's plot and agrees to tell the king
3 minutes
Esther's first banquet
3 minutes
The honoring of Mordecai
3 minutes
Haman exposed and hanged
4 minutes
Edict to save the Jews